Theme of Absence Interview

How long have you been writing and what got you started? When my wife Jane and I lived in Greece, I became fascinated with Greek history and decided to write an historical fiction account about the Persian Wars: Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis. My prose was terrible. I needed to learn how to write. I enrolled…

My Interview with L’idea Magazine

Joe Giordano was born in Brooklyn. His father and grandparents immigrated to New York from Naples. He and his wife Jane now live in Texas. Joe’s stories have appeared in more than one hundred magazines including The Saturday Evening Post, and Shenandoah, and his short story collection, Stories and Places I Remember. His novels include, Birds of Passage, An…

Stories and Places I Remember Review by Ambassador, Magazine of The National Italian American Foundation

Our playground was a canyon of parked two-toned cars, brown-brick apartment buildings, and asphalt-shingled row houses. Neighbors heard us on the street and dreaded the crash of a broken window. “Thoughts of Johnny Cash or Hank Snow’s renditions of I’ve Been Everywhere might bounce around in your head while reading Joe Giordano’s new book Stories…

Book Review: Library of Clean Reads

Stories and Places I Remember: A Collection of Short Stories Humorous and poignant, Stories and Places I Remember will take you around the world from the streets of Brooklyn to the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Meet Anthony in 1950s and 1960s Brooklyn, then journey with a host of other delightful, contemporary characters portrayed in…

Book Review: Working Mommy Journal

Book Review: Stories and Places I Remember: A Collection of Short Stories Humorous and poignant, Stories and Places I Remember will take you around the world from the streets of Brooklyn to the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Meet Anthony in 1950s and 1960s Brooklyn, then journey with a host of other delightful, contemporary characters…