“Drone Strike is intense, full of emotion, raw, painful and touches on the human perspective of conflict.
This is an intense but thrilling novel from start to finish. It builds up dramatically and leaves you not wanting to put the book down. There are so many tiny pieces woven into this story and this adds to how the plot unravels. I loved every moment of this novel and could not put it down.”
– Working Mommy Journal Book Blog – Carla
“I found Drone Strike to be a great read. I usually have a hard time following plot lines in a thriller and do not normally read thriller. However, I enjoyed reading this one. It is action packed and fast paced but not so much so that it is difficult to catch on what is going on.
“I would love to read the previous book in the Anthony Provati Thriller series to see what happened prior to this one, as well as, read any other books that release after this one. I recommend this for readers who enjoy a suspense filled novels that will keep them on the edge of the seat.”
– Locks, Hooks and Books Blog – Amy
“(Drone Strike) is a thriller. The fact that the two main characters are of different faiths and yet somehow are thrown together and change each other’s perception of that particular religion makes this story fascinating. I felt as though the story was authentic and realistic. The most intriguing thing about this book is the perspective from which the story is told. The voices change depending on which character’s story is being featured, but I actually found myself sympathizing with a terrorist even though I realized what he was being tasked to do was heinous. It is rare that an author can write in such a way as to humanize someone who would be described as evil and without conscience. (Drone Strike) a sobering, eye-opening story in which I never found myself getting bored.”
– My Devotional Thoughts Book Blog – Ruth
“Giordano Creates Another Fast Paced, Action Packed, International Thriller with Drone Strike. I absolutely love the Giordano builds his thrillers and shares the characters’ stories.
“I enjoy thrillers, and I enjoy international/political/crime dramas. I loved the author’s Appointment with ISIL–and I think I liked this book even more. Giordano has a way of taking current events and combining a host of characters and lives to create a very believable fictional work that pulls readers in and holds them to the last page. If you enjoy realistic, international thrillers that transport you to other lands and cultures–you should read the Anthony Provati series.”
– A Mama’s Corner of the World